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Phrygian Way 2.1.1
kate clow
This app will guide you on the PhrygianWay,with maps, points of interest, accommodation places and manyphotosof the Phrygian Way.Features:- GPS navigation for the Phrygian Way routes, which workswithoutinternet access;- Current location together with the remaining distance toyourdestination;- Points of interest are listed according to their distanceandgrouped by type (eg accommodation, natural features).Descriptionand several photos for each point;- Plan your walks by choosing departure and arrival points andtheapp will guide you through your trip. Download only the mapsyouneed for your chosen route.- To focus in fine detail on your current location, (ie. whileyouare using the trail) switch on the‘follow me’ option fromthesettings.About the Phrygian WayThe Phrygian Trekking Route is one of the longest trailsinTurkey. Planned with great care for the comfort and enjoymentofhikers, the route passes through the renowned PhrygianValleyswhere hikers may visit the ruins of ancient civilisationsand enjoythe natural beauty of the region. The Trekking Route is506kilometres long, and is marked with red-white waymarksinaccordance with international standards. The Route hasthreestarting points and the trails meet at the Yazilikaya(InscribedRock), which was a focal point for the Phrygians. Hikersmay startthe route at the following points: 1) Gordium (Polatli,Ankara), 2)Seydiler (Afyonkarahisar), and 3) Yenice Farm Ciftligi(AhmetogluVillage, Kutahya).The project is sponsored by FRIGKUM (Association forDevelopmentand Protection of Phrygian Cultural Heritage) and wascompleted in2013 by a small volunteer team led by Huseyin Sari. TheRoute wasplanned in order to introduce trekkers and cyclists toPhrygianculture, and to enable them to enjoy a safe journey throughthePhrygian Valleys along trails once used by the Phrygians.The trail starts at Gordium, the political capital ofthePhrygians, then follows the valley of the Porsuk (ancientTembris)River, passes through Sivrihisar (ancient Spaleia), andarrives atPessinous (Ballikaya), another important Phrygiansettlement. Thetrail then enters the valley of the Sakarya (ancientSangarius)River, where you enter a completely different world.After theSakarya Valley, the trail enters the region known asMountainousPhrygia. The trail then reaches the Yazilikaya, the siteof theMidas monument, which formed the cult centre of thePhrygians. Herethe trail splits into two. One branch leads toFindikli Villagepassing through the Asmainler, Zahran, and InliValleys, once hometo Phrygian settlements. This branch terminatesat Yenice Farm onthe highway between Kutahya and Eskisehir. Theother branch passesthrough Saricaova, a picturesque Circassianvillage, and Doger,town in Afyonkarahisar. The trail then takes youthrough AyaziniTown before coming to an end at Seydiler, on thehighway betweenAfyonkarahisar and Ankara. Hikers who complete thesetrails willtreasure the memory forever.The best time to trek is spring and autumn, but there aredifferentattractions in all seasons. Along the trail, there areplenty ofsprings for water year-round.